Hi all,
We have some updates and information below:
Dress code
We're going to be at a nice venue and celebrating a great person, so the suggested dress code matches that theme. Cocktail attire or semi-formal is probably a reasonable description of what we're thinking. More dressed up than jeans and ties are optional.
We'll have a reception table to check in beginning at 6pm. We do not have paper tickets, but will have your names on the list based on who purchased them. If possible, please arrive by 6:30pm so you don't miss dinner.
There will be a cash bar.
The meal will be buffet style, which has helped us keep the cost down and makes it easier to not have assigned seating. If you have any allergies or food restrictions, please let us know by sending us an email that includes your name, the ticket purchaser's name and your allergy/food restriction.
We will have a card box for those that are looking to drop one. We're also planning to recognize Doug with a small gift at the party. For those interested in doing something more, we are partnering with CSF to create a scholarship in Doug's name. We'll announce more details next Friday for those that may want to contribute.
Other tributes
We've had some questions about sending video messages or making other tributes to Doug. We think it's great, but we're not going to be in a position to play anything during the party. If you'd like to make something and send it our way, we're happy to organize and send it to him on Friday. Or feel free to send directly if you prefer.
We're going to spend a little bit of time recognizing Doug, but after that, we're looking forward to the party. We'll have a dance floor and a great DJ until they kick us out (~11pm)
Other questions
Did we forget something? Let us know! Email dougkelleyretirement@gmail.com with any other questions.
Thanks to all those that have purchased tickets - we're really looking forward to celebrating Doug on 10/4!
There remains some capacity in the room and the venue has offered us additional time before giving a final count. so - we're going to continue to accept ticket requests through Thursday (9/19) and will need payments received before we confirm the number to the Venus de Milo around 5pm on Friday (9/20). If you know of anyone that may have missed the opportunity - please let them know! We do not believe we will have the ability to extend the deadline again, and intend to close the online ticket form on Thursday.
This should be a really fun night! We've got a group of volunteers that will be meeting this week to work out some of the details of the event. We'll share back some logistical information (dress code, requests for meals due to allergies, etc.) through the email list of those that have purchased tickets. We may also use this list again for any communications that make sense to share with a broader group.
Thank you to everyone who has offered to help, spread the word, and grabbed your tickets. It's been great to see all the support and appreciation for Doug!
Get your tickets ASAP*
Our expectation is that the start of school will bring more awareness, so if you are interested in going, we recommend purchasing tickets as soon as possible.
*Except current students
The ticket site will be updated to reflect our request that current students not attend. Last week we offered to assist any students that wanted to organize their own event and, while we haven't had anyone write to us yet, that offer will remain open. We are looking for "Doug Kelley's Retirement Party" to be just that - a party, and the reality is that it would be problematic to have current teachers and students at the same party. If you are a student who has purchased tickets, or if you've purchased tickets on behalf of a student, please email us and we will refund you for the student ticket (or your entire party if you no longer wish to attend without your student).
Volunteers Wanted!
Ok, we've asked for help in general terms a few times already (and appreciate how many of you have responded!), but finally we have something specific... We are looking to form a "day-of" committee that will help us work through some of the planning and logistics, and hoping that committee will include a few in-person volunteers on 10/4 for things like setup, greeting attendees and any take-down. The time commitment would likely be about an hour per week for the next couple weeks in virtual/telephonic meetings with some increased frequency in the final two weeks or so. If you are able and willing, please email us, along with your preference for when the committee should meet (weekdays/weekends, mid-day/evenings, etc.).
New to this list?
If you missed an earlier update, we'll post those emails on the website shortly. Key event details are already on the website: https://dougkelleyretirement.party/
What's next?
We'll look to have another update email in about a week. Tickets will remain on sale until 9/13 or until room capacity is reached.
We also want to note that this event is organized and funded privately and not in partnership or sponsored by the school district in any form. That said, we're expecting a strong showing from former and current employees of the district. Attendance from current students might create some complications for those current employees that have worked with Mr. Kelley for many years, so we'd respectfully ask that current students decline to join us. If that causes anyone on this email list some disappointment, we'd encourage you to show your appreciation in a different forum, and would be happy to help you organize something. You can contact us by responding to this email address.
How did we pick the date?
We started by looking at Thursdays through Saturdays in October. Although Mr. Kelley formally retires in September, we wanted to provide enough notice to reach all those that are interested and still make deadlines that would be imposed by the venue. November felt a bit late and we wanted to have some distance before the holidays. In our non-scientific survey, Friday seemed to be the preference. Most people didn't have school or work the next day, a single day off for many of those making a trip from far away, and a bit less likely to have other commitments. From there, we were scheduling around DRRHS home football games, venue availability, and of course, Doug's schedule.
How did we pick the place?
We cast a wide net and looked at venues from Rhode Island to New Bedford to Foxboro, but settled on perhaps the most obvious place based on geography and price.
How did we determine the price?
It's important to note this is going to be funded entirely by those attending. We are independent of the school district and towns and so the event needs to be paid for in full by the ticket price.
In soliciting feedback, we heard the overwhelming message that we should keep the price as low as possible. Doing so would allow the most people to attend, and practically, the goal is to gather and celebrate Mr. Kelley, so some of the perks of a more expensive night wouldn't really be appreciated anyway. We've done our best to keep the price low. There will be a meal (buffet), we anticipate some entertainment (through volunteers), we're collecting enough so we don't have to charge the retiree for his meal, and we're hoping to have a bit left over for some type of gift for him (more on that in a future update).
How are we handling tickets?
Details to follow, but we're hopeful we can collect RSVPs on the website and then provide confirmation of your spot once payment is received. Payment is likely going to have to be through one of our personal accounts, so choices for attendees to pay will be Venmo, Zelle, or mailing a check. The dates for ticket availability is based on how quickly we can get the process started, and our deadline with the Venus de Milo.
Since the venue needs a final count in advance, we're not going to be able to offer tickets after September 13th (there will NOT be any same-day tickets available at the door). Sign up and pay as soon as you know you can make it to guarantee your seat! It will be first come, first served.